The use of personal information collected through this page will be limited to the purpose of offering content on online marketing with special interest in web positioning, product recommendations, magazines and sector news.

The use of certain services offered on this site will also be governed by the particular conditions provided in each case, which may replace, complete and/or modify these Conditions of Use. Therefore, prior to the use of said services.

Your data and your privacy are of utmost importance to [] and that is why we recommend that you also read our Privacy Policy .

Responsible identifier

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on information society services and electronic commerce, we inform you that:

  • Its corporate name is: Jesús Arrebola Reina
  • Your CIF/ NIF 52583146V
  • Its registered office is at Avenida Andalucía 100. 29751. Caleta de Vélez. Malaga
  • Your social activity is: 652.2 – 845

The purpose of this website

  • Provide content, news, videos, digital art collections.
  • Manage the list of blog subscribers and moderate comments.
  • Manage Advertising and advertisers.
  • Promote Affiliate Products.

Use of the website

When using the website [] the User agrees not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of [] or third parties or that could damage, disable or overload the website [] or that prevents, in any way, the normal use of the website.

The USER who sends images, photos, comments, etc. guarantees to be the owner, and to have the necessary authorizations (especially in the case of including data or images of third parties and particularly if they are minors) so that at [] free of charge and with no associated charge, no one proceeds to the reproduction, distribution, making available and public communication.

In any case, it is prohibited for USERS (and [] may delete the content and comments it deems appropriate) to carry out conduct that involves:

  • Store, publish and/or transmit data, texts, images, files, links, software or other content that is objectionable according to the applicable legal provisions, or that in the estimation of [] for being illegal, violent, threatening, abusive, defamatory , vulgar, obscene, racist, xenophobic or otherwise objectionable or illicit or that may cause harm of any kind, particularly pornographic.


Directory inclusion services have a purely informational function. [] will ensure that the profiles of the professionals and advertisements that appear on the Web express truthful information and are kept updated, although it does not guarantee the accuracy at all times of the data contained therein.

The data and other content of the advertisements inserted in the directories are provided by the advertising professionals, so [] is not responsible for possible inaccuracies or errors that the advertisements may contain, nor does it guarantee in any way the experience, integrity or responsibility of advertisers or the quality of their professional services.

The advertisements inserted in the professional directories will remain published on the portal until they are deleted or suspended by the advertiser user or [], which logically will not be responsible for, once unsubscribed from its databases, The ads continue to be indexed in search engines other than this portal.

Any contractual or extra-contractual relationship that the user formalizes with the advertisers or third parties contacted through this portal are understood to be carried out solely and exclusively between the user and the advertiser and/or third party. The user knows and accepts that [] only acts as a channel or advertising medium and that therefore it has no type of responsibility for damages or losses of any nature caused by its negotiations, conversations and/or contractual relationships or extracontractual with advertisers or third parties, natural or legal persons contacted through this portal.

User obligations

Access and/or use of this website attributes to the person who does so the condition of User, accepting, from this moment, fully and without any reservation, this Legal Notice, as well as the particular conditions that, where appropriate, complement it. , in relation to certain services and contents of the website.

The User is informed, and accepts, that access to this website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a commercial relationship with []. In this way, the user agrees to use the Website, its services and content without contravening current legislation, good faith and public order. The use of the website for illegal or harmful purposes, or that, in any way, may cause damage or prevent the normal functioning of the website, is prohibited.

  • Regarding the contents of this website, it is prohibited:
  • Its reproduction, distribution or modification, in whole or in part, unless there is authorization from its legitimate owners;
  • Any violation of the rights of the provider or the legitimate owners;
  • Its use for commercial or advertising purposes.


[] informs that there are complaint forms available to users and clients.

The user may make claims by requesting their claim form or by sending an email to info(at) indicating their name and surname, the product purchased and stating the reasons for their claim.

The user/buyer may notify us of the claim, either by email to:

info(at) or by postal mail addressed to: Jesús Arrebola Reina. Avda. Andalucía 100. 29751. Caleta de Vélez. Malaga.

  • User name:
  • User address:
  • User signature (only if presented on paper):
  • Date:
  • Reason for complaint:

Intellectual and industrial property rights

Through these General Conditions, no intellectual or industrial property rights are transferred over the website [] whose intellectual property belongs to [], including text, graphics, logos, images, and the User is expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming , distribution, public communication, making available to the public, extraction, reuse, forwarding or the use of any nature, by any means or procedure, of any of them, except in cases where it is legally permitted or authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights.

The user knows and accepts that the entire website, containing without limitation the text, software, content (including structure, selection, arrangement and presentation thereof), photographs, audiovisual material and recipes, is protected by trademarks, copyrights. and other registered legitimate rights, in accordance with international treaties to which Spain is a party and other property rights and laws of Spain.

In the event that a user or a third party considers that a violation of their legitimate intellectual property rights has occurred due to the introduction of certain content on the Web, they must notify this circumstance to [] indicating:

  • Personal data of the interested party who owns the rights allegedly infringed, or indicate the representation with which he or she acts in the event that the claim is presented by a third party other than the interested party.

Indicate the contents protected by intellectual property rights and their location on the Web, the accreditation of the intellectual property rights indicated and an express declaration in which the interested party is responsible for the veracity of the information provided in the notification.

External links

The pages of the website [] provide links to other websites and content that are the property of third parties. [] is not responsible in any case for the results that may arise for the User from accessing said links.

Likewise, the user will find within this site, pages, promotions, advertisers, affiliate programs that access the users’ browsing habits to establish user profiles and show the user advertising based on their interests and browsing habits. This information is always anonymous and the user is not identified.

Information provided on these Sponsored Sites or affiliate links is subject to the privacy policies used on such Sites and will not be subject to this privacy policy. Therefore, we highly recommend that Users carefully review the privacy policies of affiliate links.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility

The Provider does not grant any guarantee nor is it responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that may arise from:

  • The lack of availability, maintenance and effective functioning of the website or its
  • The existence of viruses, malicious or harmful programs in the contents;
  • Illegal, negligent, fraudulent or contrary use to this Legal Notice;
  • The lack of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness and availability of the services provided, services and content; by third parties and made available to users on the website.

The provider is not responsible under any circumstances for any damages that may arise from the illegal or improper use of this website.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

In general, the relations between [] with the Users of its telematic services, present on this website, are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction and the Courts of Madrid.


If any User has any questions about this legal notice or any comments about the website [] they can contact info(at)

[] reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the [] website such as this legal notice.